A is for Airport – San Diego International’s New Terminal 2
by Donna Amis Davis / @DonnaAmisDavis
And we’re off! Hang on for a month-long ride through San Diego, California. We’re going to visit Quintessential San Diego from A to Z, as part of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014.
And today, what could be more a more appropriate place to start than the airport, the place many visitors first experience San Diego?
The San Diego International Airport recently underwent its largest-ever improvement project. Bill and I were invited to the Grand Opening of the new expansion of Terminal 2 this past August, 2013. We were suitably impressed.
I’ll share some of my favorite parts of the new Terminal 2 here.

The stunning floor to ceiling window wall of the concessions area, known as Sunset Cove, is the visual highlight of the project. The windows are 51 feet high and 317 feet wide, letting in plenty of natural light.
The windows not only angle outward from floor to ceiling, but curve from top-to-bottom and from side-to-side.
Interesting fact: to design earthquake-resistant windows of that size, a full-size mock of the window wall was made to complete the seismic testing in Los Angeles. The wall is designed to allow a 12-inch movement of the building, with the curtain wall remaining intact.
My photos don’t properly highlight the beautiful glass drop chandeliers coming down like rain in the center of Sunset Cove.

Travelers will be happy to have multiple choices for eating and shopping. I love that local favorites like Pannikin Coffee and Tea, Phil’s BBQ, Stone Brewing Company, and Warwick’s Bookstore, are making homes in the new airport terminal expansion.

In fact, Bill and I were lucky enough to run into Quintessential San Diegan, Ingrid Croce, during our tour. Ingrid and her husband, Jimmy Rock, were doing a book and CD signing at Warwicks. They were so warm and friendly. They let us take pictures of them and with them. Ingrid, of course, is the widow of Jim Croce, whose songs like “Time in a Bottle,” “Photographs and Memories,” and “I’ll Have to Say I Love You in a Song,” are part of the soundtrack of my life. She’s also the mother of A.J. Croce, a popular local musician.
Ingrid and Jimmy Rock also run Croce’s, a favorite San Diego restaurant and music venue. Croce’s recently moved from its long-time home in the Gaslamp Quarter, to a new and improved location in Park West.

Okay, now I’m going to share my very favorite feature of the new Terminal 2. Wait for it. . . water fountains with bottle-filling stations! Yes. Brilliant. I guess I’m a frugal nerd, but I like to bring empty water bottles with me when I’m traveling, and fill them up inside the security area so I don’t have to pay $3.00 for a small bottle of water. But filling them in traditional drinking fountains isn’t easy to do.
So look at these marvels. A full-size bottle fits underneath. And it gets filled with nice, clean, filtered water. For free. Love it. (Am I easy to please, or what?)

The doggies have not been forgotten at the new San Diego Airport Terminal 2. Outside is a cute pet comfort area, complete with a bright red fire hydrant. And check out the pet water fountain with three different heights for all sizes of dogs.

We didn’t get to tour it, but the new terminal is also home to a new USO center. The USO Neil Ash Airport Center is the largest USO airport center in the world. Weary military service members and their families can rest in comfortable chairs, watch 50-inch TVs, grab some food and drinks, play pool, Skype with friends or grill some burgers. All for free.
The center includes an outdoor courtyard with picnic tables and barbecue grills for special activities. For those with canceled or delayed flights, an area with cots and sheets is available.
One more feature to share before I go. Up above your head, as you walk outside under the departure ramp, the ceiling is covered with ocean-themed art. A very nice touch.
I hope your flight goes through the new Terminal 2. There are lots more fun touches that I didn’t share pictures of for you to discover and enjoy.

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https://www.donnaamisdavis.com/airport-san-diego-internationals-new-terminal-2/San DiegoSan Diego A to Zairport,San Diegoby Donna Amis Davis / @DonnaAmisDavis And we're off! Hang on for a month-long ride through San Diego, California. We're going to visit Quintessential San Diego from A to Z, as part of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014. And today, what could be more a more appropriate...Donna Amis DavisDonna Amis Davis[email protected]AdministratorDonna Amis Davis
Great start to the challenge! We are taking on the challenge too with the theme of British Columbia – I found my way here from the challenge signup page. San Diego is a great theme and I look forward to following along. The airport looks beautiful and the dog area blew my mind!
I love BC! That should be a gorgeous theme. I’ll have to go check yours out. I spent a summer on an Indian Reserve (that’s what they were called back then) during my college years. Penticton. I’ve always wanted to return.
Yes, we really got a kick out of the dog area. So funny.
Far nicer than Glasgow Airport – the one outside Glasgow was rammed by a car a few years ago by Islamic terrorists and now has big metal barriers around it.
I live on the flight path from London and Europe and always get scared when a plane makes a funny noise in case it crashes.
They did some pretty substantial concrete crash barriers at this new airport expansion, too.
I will certainly be adding San Diego to my bucket list of places to visit! I live in southeast Virginia and have traveled all up and down the East Coast. I haven’t made it out west yet, but I will be following your blog this month to learn more about San Diego!
Great! Thank you for stopping by. I’m having fun right now writing about Balboa Park. I do hope you make it out here.
Donna, I’ve never been to the San Diego airport. Good to hear it’s built to withstand earthquakes….great A!
Donna, I wanted to email you, but I can’t seem to find your contact info. Thanks, Corinne
Hi Corrine – it’s buried at the bottom of my about page – donnaonpalawan(at)gmail(dot)com.
Hi Donna! Since I have a sister in law living in San Diego, and have been there only one day in my life, I will be happy to read from A to Z about it! Incidentally, her name is Donna too 🙂
Oh! Only one day! Next time spend at least 5. Thanks for stopping by!