by Donna Amis Davis / @DonnaAmisDavis

Bear Cat or Binturong

I’m in love.

They are furry, and have the sweetest faces.

Above is a close up on one of the fuzzy guys. Or maybe she is a girl?

Palawan Bear Cats, also known as Binturong.

Two Bear Cat Friends

The dictionary definition:

binturong |binˈtoŏrô ng |
A tree-dwelling Asian civet with a coarse blackish coat and a muscular prehensile tail. • Arctictis binturong, family Viverridae.
ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from Malay.

Bear Cat Draped on Branch

How do you spell R-E-L-A-X-E-D?

Can you see why I love them? They are just so chill.

Another cute animal is on view at the Palawan Crocodile Farm. No, it’s not a crocodile.

Palawan Porcupine

This little native porcupine may not be fuzzy, but he is endearing none-the-less.

Look at those bright brown eyes!

These animals are shy, and hard to find.

They like to hide under the logs in their enclosure, but can be tempted out by choice leaves.


Bear Cat, or Binturong in Tree

And one more great bear cat shot to end with. Look at that tail!

Donna Amis DavisAnimals Wild & TamePuerto Princesa & PalawanDonna Amis Davis,Palawan,Philippines,travel,Travel and Tourismby Donna Amis Davis / @DonnaAmisDavis I'm in love. They are furry, and have the sweetest faces. Above is a close up on one of the fuzzy guys. Or maybe she is a girl? Palawan Bear Cats, also known as Binturong. The dictionary definition: binturong |binˈtoŏrô ng | noun A tree-dwelling Asian civet with a coarse blackish...Author of the '60s SURF SHOP MYSTERIES and DIVE SHACK MYSTERIES