C is for Coronado Bay Bridge, or, How A Bridge Made Me Sad

A funny thing happened when I started thinking what to write about the Coronado Bay Bridge.
I realized I have an unresolved issue with that bridge.
That bridge and I have something we need to work out.
That bridge stole a fun little part of my childhood from me!
Back when I was a kid, BB – Before Bridge, my grandparents would come out to San Diego, once every year or so, to visit from Texas. My parents would pile us all in the car (no seatbelt laws, no carseat laws) and we would take off sight-seeing around San Diego.
One special thing we would do was ride the ferry over to Coronado. Sometimes in the car, sometimes by foot. But I remember loving to stand out on the deck, steadying my feet against the gentle rocking, and feel the sea breeze on my face. As the wake splashed up around the ferry, the boat’s toot-toots rose over the engine noise. Taking in the salty, seaweed-y smell of the bay, I’d wrap my sweater against the wind, while seagulls kept pace. It was another world, and it engaged all of my senses.

Was my love affair with riding the ferry the origin of my love of boating?
Then in 1969, it happened.
The Coronado Bay Bridge was finished and the ferries stopped running.
What? The injustice. Just because this big ol’ bridge is here, we can’t take the ferry anymore?
Somehow, even though my young teen Wanna-Be-Flower-Child self was bursting to separate from childhood, I didn’t want to let go of THAT part of my childhood.
Funny, huh?

Well, this story is moving little by little toward a happy ending.
Somewhere along the way, the ferries started running again, for nostalgic purposes.
And though I’ve been to Coronado many times, via the bridge, I haven’t been back on the ferry.
But I will. Writing this post makes me want to relive and reclaim a sweet childhood memory. My grandparents are long gone. My parents are gone, too. Now I’m the grandparent. I say, let’s grab those grandkids, throw them in the car (with car seats and seat belts, of course), and get downtown to ride the ferry soon.
And hopefully we can start a whole new generation of sweet memories.
https://www.donnaamisdavis.com/c-coronado-bay-bridge-2/San DiegoSan Diego A to Zcoronado,San DiegoA funny thing happened when I started thinking what to write about the Coronado Bay Bridge. I realized I have an unresolved issue with that bridge. That bridge and I have something we need to work out. That bridge stole a fun little part of my childhood from me! Back when I was...Donna Amis DavisDonna Amis Davis[email protected]AdministratorDonna Amis Davis
Excellent post, I was contemplating a scar-ry memory.
These are things you will miss, but memories can make up for some of the experience.
btw I had a tough time reading in the font, blame my age.
I wouldn’t want to make light of it, but I learned while writing this that the Coronado Bay Bridge is 3rd in the US for number of suicides. I’m sure there are others who have really serious issues with that bridge.
Thank you for your note on the font. I may check and see if I can increase the size a bit on it.
Donna, I can so understand that, because one of my loves in life is riding on a ferry. I don’t know why…I love them! Great C!
And you have probably ridden many! When I told my husband about this post, he reminded me of a ferry across a river in Brazil we rode, where they had a pull rope attached at both banks, and pulled the ferry across.
I loved your story about the bridge. I’m not sure how the traffic is in your neck of the woods but we have a ferry here in Perth that is a lot quicker in the morning rush hour than taking the car over the bridge! I think it’s a great idea to take the grandchildren for a ferry ride. I’m sure they’ll love it!
Oh, we missed that experience when we visited our sister-in-law in Perth! I saw that there is a commuter ferry to Coronado, too. I don’t know what the traffic is like really. Coronado is a relatively small place, but many pour over the bridge to work each day at North Island Naval Air Station there.
Great post. I have fond memories of ferries too, that I could never let go of. Glad they got up and running again. Have fun with the grandkids! 😀
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note! We need to get that ferry ride on the schedule soon.
Great post! You made me want the ferry to return and I don’t even have any childhood memories linked to riding them. Here in BC we have ferries between Vancouver Island and the mainland. They are expensive and long and oftentimes we wish the government would just build a bridge to fix the problem instead of pouring more and more money into a failing system. Now I wonder if I’d miss the ferries if they were gone.
I remember riding the ferry to Nanaimo from Horseshoe Bay. It was an amazing trip. So gorgeous! But it was long. Wouldn’t want to do it daily.
A day trip from where I live to Williamsburg and Jamestown is pretty fast by interstate, but the ferry ride is always more fun.
Visiting from A to Z ~
We get over to NC from time to time – friends in Elizabeth City. So’ve been to Jamestown. Maybe we can try the ferry next time!
Beautiful bridge even if it shattered your childhood ferry memory.
Visiting from AtoZ
What a great story! I hope you do take your grandkids!
The Road We’ve Shared A to Z
Donna, I loved the post an how you closed it with such a feel good element. 🙂 It’s the best thing to do, isn’t it? Trying to give a little of your childhood memories to your grand-kids. It feels so good when I tell stories of my childhood to my 4 year old, I can imagine how refreshed and nostalgic this makes you feel. 🙂