Tag archives for Philippine
Boat to Small Palawan Island
by Donna Amis Davis / @DonnaAmisDavis Today I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of possible cover ideas for the fiction book I'm *not really* writing. I mean, I'm 'writing' it, as in I've started writing it. But *not really* because of Real Life. But I still like to think about it - so here are some…
A Prediction for Visitors to Puerto Princesa, Palawan
by Donna Amis Davis Donna-On-Palawan can see into your future. Creepy, huh? My prediction: If you visit Puerto Princesa, you will go at least once to NCCC. NCCC is not on the tourist 'must see' list. It's not even on the 'try to see' list. But I lay very good odds that you will see it. Because, you see, NCCC…