Quintessential San Diego From A to Z
Blogging from A to Z Challenge – April 2014
I’m diving off the deep end, folks! I just signed up for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge for the month of April.
The challenge is to put up a new post every day in April, except Sundays. That’s 26 posts, for the 26 letters of the alphabet. A on April 1st, B on April 2nd, and so on. I’ve chosen “Quintessential San Diego” for my theme.
The San Diego Zoo is the quintessential visitor activity: typical, prototypical, stereotypical, archetypal, classic, model, standard, stock, representative, conventional; ideal, consummate, exemplary, definitive, best, ultimate.
I’m excited about this project. I hope you’ll enjoy the ride, too. Follow along, and we’ll visit 26 classic, perfectly San Diego sites. You can take a virtual vacation to America’s Finest City. But without airfare and crowded airline seats, or a long drive in the car to get there.
Some of you know I’m a native San Diegan. I was born in this city and spent my growing up years here. But for most of my adult life, my husband Bill and I have lived in the Philippines. And in between we’ve lived shortly in Wisconsin, Oregon, Michigan, and Missouri, with a stay in Iowa. Now I’m back home, at least for a while, and I LOVE visiting all my favorite old haunts. And exploring some new ones. I hope you will, too!
I haven’t decided what to feature for every letter of the alphabet yet. Honestly, I’m kinda stuck on ‘X’. And not too happy about my choice for ‘N’. (Any ideas, anyone?) But here’s a peak ahead:
A is for Airport – New Terminal 2 at San Diego International

Bill and I were invited to tour this facility last year at the Grand Opening, and were thoroughly impressed. In fact, we met the Quintessentially San Diego Ingrid Croce there! She and her husband, Jimmy Rock, were signing books at the bookstore inside the airport.

Ingrid, herself an author, singer-songwriter, and restaurateur, is the widow of Jim Croce, whose songs are part of the soundtrack of my life.
Z is for Zoo – The World Famous San Diego Zoo
Z was the easiest letter of the alphabet. Of course, what else would it be but the world-famous San Diego Zoo?

If you’d like to see these gorgeous Clouded Leopard cubs in action, here they are pouncing and playing.
Bill and I are becoming Zoo Experts these days, as we invested in some Zoo passes and take our cute little grandkiddos there almost every week. I have plenty to say about the Zoo.
So hang on, the tour begins April 1st!
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https://www.donnaamisdavis.com/quintessential-san-diego-a-to-z/San DiegoSan DiegoBlogging from A to Z Challenge - April 2014 I'm diving off the deep end, folks! I just signed up for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge for the month of April. The challenge is to put up a new post every day in April, except Sundays. That's 26 posts,...Donna Amis DavisDonna Amis Davis[email protected]AdministratorDonna Amis Davis
The cubs are lovely. Still waiting for the Giant Pandas to produce a wee one at Edinburgh Zoo!
Oh, I hope they do. Baby pandas are just adorable. They were so popular here in San Diego that the zoo installed a Panda Cam so people could watch them all day long if they wanted.
Edinburgh Zoo does have a panda cam but they are usually sleeping.
Penguin cam
Squirrel Monkey cam
Underwater penguin cam
Looks like they’ve got it covered!
Great challenge, Donna! And I expect to learn stuff I don’t already know. Fun!
We live in a fun place, don’t we?
Donna, I’m looking forward to your posts!
Thank you!